Getting Started
- Introduction to Aptible
- Deploy Starter Template
- Deploy your custom code
Core Concepts
- Apps
- Managed Databases
- Overview
- Provisioning Databases
- Connecting Databases
- Managing Databases
- Supported Databases
- Architecture
- Scaling
- Observability
- Security & Compliance
- Integrations
- Billing & Payments
Managing Databases
Aptible makes database management effortless by fully managing and monitoring your Aptible Databases 24/7. From scaling to backups, Aptible automatically ensures that your Databases are secure, optimized, and always available. Aptible handles the heavy lifting and provides additional controls and options, giving you the flexibility to manage aspects of your Databases when need.
Learn More
RAM/CPU, Disk, IOPS, and throughput can be scaled on-demand with minimal downtime (typically less than 1 minute) at any time via the Aptible Dashboard, CLI, or Terraform provider.
Refer to Database Scaling for more information.
Aptible supports various methods for upgrading Databases - such as dump and restore, logical replication, and in-place upgrades.
Refer to Database Upgrades for more information.
Aptible performs automatic daily backups of your databases every 24 hours. The default retention policy optimized for production environments, but this policy is fully customizable at the environment level, allowing you to configure daily, monthly, and yearly backups based on your requirements.
In addition to automatic backups, you have the option to enable cross-region backups for disaster recovery and retain final backups of deprovisioned databases. Manual backups can be initiated at any time to provide additional flexibility and control over your data.
Refer to Database Backups for more information.
Aptible simplifies Database replication (PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis) and clustering (MongoDB) databases in high-availability setups by automatically deploying the Database Containers across different Availability Zones (AZ).
Refer to Database Replication and Clustering for more information.
Aptible has built-in Database Encryption that applies to all Databases as well as the option to configure additional Custom Database Encryption. Application-Level Encryption may also be used.
Refer to Database Encryption for more information.
Databases can be restarted in the following ways:
Using the
aptible db:restart
command if you are also resizing the Database -
Using the
aptible db:reload
command if you are not resizing the Database- Note: this command is faster to execute than aptible db:restart
Within the Aptible Dashboard, by:
Navigating to the database
Selecting the Settings tab
Selecting Restart
A Database can be renamed in the following ways:
Using the
aptible db:rename
command -
Using the Aptible Terraform Provider
For the change to take effect, the Database must be restarted.
A Database can be deprovisioned in the following ways:
Using the
aptible db:deprovision
command -
Using the Aptible Terraform Provider
When a Database is deprovisioned, its Database Backups are automatically deleted per the Environment’s Backup Retention Policy.
A deprovisioned Database can be restored from a Backup as a new Database. The resulting Database will have the same data, username, and password as the original when the Backup was taken. Any Database Endpoints or Replicas will have to be recreated.
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