
Apps can be connected to their Sources to enable the Aptible dashboard to provide details about the code that is deployed in your infrastructure, enabling your team to answer the question ”what’s deployed where?“.

When an App is connected to its Source, you’ll see details about the currently-deployed revision (the git ref, SHA, commit message, and other information) in the header of the App Details page, as well as a running history of revision information on the Deployments tab.

Sending Deployment Metadata to Aptible

To get started, you’ll need to configure your deployment pipeline to send Source information when your App is deployed.

Using the Aptible Deploy GitHub Action

📘 If you’re using version v4 or later of the official Aptible Deploy GitHub Action, Source information is retrieved and sent automatically. No further configuration is required.

To set up a new Source for an App, visit the Source Setup page and follow the instructions. You will be presented with a GitHub Workflow that you can add to your repository.

Using Another Deployment Strategy

The Sources feature is powered by App configuration, so if you’re using Terraform or your own custom scripts to deploy your app, you’ll just need to send the following variables along with your deployment (note that all of these variables are optional):

  • APTIBLE_GIT_REPOSITORY_URL, the browser-accessible URL of the git repository associated with the App.
    • Example: https://github.com/example-org/example.
  • APTIBLE_GIT_REF, the branch name or tag of the revision being deployed.
    • Example: release-branch-2024-01-01 or v1.0.1.
  • APTIBLE_GIT_COMMIT_SHA, the 40-character git commit SHA.
    • Example: 2fa8cf206417ac18179f36a64b31e6d0556ff20684c1ad8d866569912bbf7235.
  • APTIBLE_GIT_COMMIT_URL, the browser-accessible URL of the commit.
    • Example: https://github.com/example-org/example/commit/2fa8cf.
  • APTIBLE_GIT_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP, the ISO8601 timestamp of the git commit.
    • Example: 2024-01-01T12:00:00-04:00.
  • APTIBLE_GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE, the full git commit message.
  • (If deploying a Docker image) APTIBLE_DOCKER_REPOSITORY_URL, the browser-accessible URL of the Docker registry for the image being deployed.
    • Example: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/example-org/example

For example, if you’re using the Aptible CLI to deploy your app, you might use a command like this:

$ aptible deploy --app your-app \
    --docker-image=example-org/example:v1.0.1 \
    APTIBLE_GIT_REPOSITORY_URL="https://github.com/example/example" \
    APTIBLE_GIT_REF="$(git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD || git describe --tags --exact-match 2> /dev/null)" \
    APTIBLE_GIT_COMMIT_SHA="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" \
    APTIBLE_GIT_COMMIT_URL="https://github.com/example/repo/commit/$(git rev-parse HEAD)" \
    APTIBLE_GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE="$(git log -1 --pretty=%B)" \
    APTIBLE_GIT_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP="$(git log -1 --pretty=%cI)"

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