Responsible Disclosure Policy
Version 3.3 - February 2025
Aptible is dedicated to maintaining the security and privacy of our services and customer data. This policy is intended to give security researchers clear guidelines for conducting vulnerability discovery activities and to convey our preferences in how to submit discovered vulnerabilities to us.
This policy describes what systems and types of research are covered under this policy, how to send us vulnerability reports, and how long we ask security researchers to wait before publicly disclosing vulnerabilities.
We encourage you to contact us to report potential vulnerabilities in our systems.
Safe Harbor
If you make a good faith effort to comply with this policy during your security research, we will consider your research to be authorized we will work with you to understand and resolve the issue quickly, and Aptible will not recommend or pursue legal action related to your research. Should legal action be initiated by a third party against you for activities that were conducted in accordance with this policy, we will make this authorization known.
Under this policy, “research” means activities in which you:
Notify us as soon as possible after you discover an actual or potential security issue.
Make every effort to avoid privacy violations, degradation of user experience, disruption to production systems, and destruction or manipulation of data.
Only use exploits to the extent necessary to confirm a vulnerability’s presence. Do not use an exploit to compromise or exfiltrate data, establish persistent command line access, or use the exploit to pivot to other systems.
Provide us with a reasonable amount of time to resolve the issue before you disclose it publicly.
Do not submit a high volume of low-quality reports.
Do not attempt to degrade service.
Test only on in-scope domains listed below.
Once you’ve established that a vulnerability exists or encounter any sensitive data (including personally identifiable information, financial information, proprietary information, or trade secrets of any party), you must stop your test, notify us immediately, and not disclose this data to anyone else.
Information submitted under this policy will be used for defensive purposes only – to mitigate or remediate vulnerabilities. If your findings include newly discovered vulnerabilities that affect all users of a product or service and are not solely Aptible related, we may share your report with the involved parties. We will not share your name or contact information without your express permission.
This policy applies to the following systems and services:
Any service not expressly listed above, such as any connected services, is excluded from the scope and is not authorized for testing.
Vulnerabilities found in systems from our vendors fall outside of this policy’s scope and should be reported directly to the vendor according to their disclosure policy (if any). If you aren’t sure whether a system is in scope or not, contact us at before starting your research.
Though we develop and maintain other internet-accessible systems or services, we ask that active research and testing only be conducted on the systems and services covered by the scope of this document. If there is a particular system not in scope that you think merits testing, please contact us to discuss it first. We may increase the scope of this policy over time.
Please do not attempt or submit any of the following attacks:
CSRF on forms that are available to anonymous users
Logout Cross-Site Request Forgery (logout CSRF)
Disclosure of known public files or directories (e.g. robots.txt)
Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) configuration suggestions
Functional, UI, and UX bugs and spelling mistakes
Banner disclosure on common/public services
HTTP/HTTPS/SSL/TLS security header configuration suggestions
Lack of Secure/HTTPOnly flags on non-sensitive cookies
HTTP 404 codes/pages or other HTTP error codes/pages
Rate limiting or brute-force issues
Self-XSS (self cross-site scripting)
Phishing or Social Engineering Techniques
Presence of application or web browser ‘autocomplete’ or ‘save password’ functionality
Sender Policy Framework (SPF) configuration suggestions
Clickjacking attacks
Content Security Policy (CSP) configuration
Prohibited Actions
The following activities are strictly prohibited and under no circumstance authorized:
Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
Social engineering or phishing of employees or contractors
Ransom or extorsion-based activities leveraging Aptible systems or data
Attacks against Aptible’s employees, physical property, or data centers
Distribution or execution of malware of any kind against or using any Aptible systems
Deliberate destruction, corruption, or modification of Aptible data
Retaining or distributing confidential information obtained from testing
Violation of local, state, federal, or any other laws applicable to you or Aptible
3rd party services leveraged by Aptible systems/applications
Creating links to other sites without prior written consent
Modifying sites to display inappropriate, vulgar, illegal, or otherwise offensive materials
Reporting a vulnerability
Aptible offers cash rewards and prizes to security researchers who report exploitable vulnerabilities. In order to qualify for a reward, please follow the guidelines and submission requirements outlined in this policy. Aptible will reward researchers at our discretion based on the submission and vulnerability discovered.
Reports should provide a detailed technical description of the steps required to reproduce the vulnerability, including a description of any tools needed to identify or exploit the vulnerability. Images, e.g., screen captures, and other documents may be attached to reports. It is helpful to give attachments illustrative names. Reports may include proof-of-concept code that demonstrates exploitation of the vulnerability. We request that any scripts or exploit code be embedded into nonexecutable file types. We can process all common file types but do not accept any Zip file archives.
We accept vulnerability reports at Reports may be submitted anonymously. If you share contact information, we will acknowledge receipt of your report within 7 business days.
Aptible has the right to choose whether to act on or respond to any reported vulnerability. There is no obligation for Aptible to address every reported vulnerability, and Aptible may not be held liable for declining to respond to or act on a reported vulnerability.
If you choose to email us, encrypting your email is not required. Should you deem it necessary, our public key for is below:
What we would like to see from you
In order to help us triage and prioritize submissions, we recommend that your reports:
Describe the location where the vulnerability was discovered and the potential impact of exploitation.
Offer a detailed description of the steps needed to reproduce the exploitable vulnerability (we would ask for proof of concept scripts, recordings, or screenshots).
Communicate in English
What you can expect from us
When you choose to share your contact information with us, we commit to coordinating with you as openly and as quickly as possible.
If Aptible deems the report to be credible, they will acknowledge receipt of your report and respond within seven business days.
To the best of our ability, we will confirm the existence of the vulnerability to you and be as transparent as possible about what steps we are taking during the remediation process, including on issues or challenges that may delay resolution.
We will maintain an open dialogue to discuss issues.
Contact Information
If you have questions regarding your obligations under this Policy or questions about any Aptible Mark, please email us at